.:: ARCHIVIO mp3 ::.
playlist Aprile-maggio 2007 streaming
01- Younnat - Cardiologists Decided To Not Go To Bed
info: http://community.livejournal.com/rare_old_weird/
02- Le Chevalier de Rinchy - Extraits
info: http://www.lechevalierderinchy.com/
03- Tep - Copyright petrole blues
info: http://nicotep.free.fr/
04- Free Design - The Proper Ornaments
info: http://akashaman.blogspot.com/
05- Jab mica och el - Biohjelm Light Speed
info: http://jabmicaochel.org/
06- Donkey Monkey - Phoolan Devi
info: http://www.myspace.com/donkeymonkeyduo
07- Les Baxter - Coral Cliffs
info: http://www.blognow.com.au/XtabaysWorld/
08- Mauru - Bunnyman
info: http://www.mauru.net/
09- G. Pacchioni - Il Grillo
info: http://blog.wfmu.org/
10- Pilchard - Clapstero
info: http://www.scottcairo.co.uk/pilchard/index.htm
11- Nova Huta - Guarde suas lagrimas
info: http://www.myspace.com/novahuta
12- Les Apollos - Apollo Capsule
info: http://my.opera.com/JC%20PIERRIC%20VINYLE/
Playlist febbraio/marzo 2007 streaming
01- Les Sécrétions Romantiques - Broken Bitch Luv
info: http://www.myspace.com/lessecretionsromantiques
02- Martin Denny - Tsetse Fly
info: http://endlessmike101.blogspot.com
03- Capsule - n°6
info: http://www.myspace.com/capsuleistic
04- Baron Zen - ThemeDannyBreaksRemix
info: http://www.adultswim.com/
05- France Galle - Don't Make War Captain, Make_Love
info: http://blow-up-doll.blogspot.com/
06- plancton9 - Tiny Foam
info: http://www.myspace.com/plancton9
07- Phofo - I love happy fun ball
info: http://www.myspace.com/phofo
08- Bob Callaghan - Alone Again
info: http://www.wiels.nl/blog/
09- heyOhansen - Babylon system
info: http://www.myspace.com/heyohansen
10- Hi_Fi_comando - Viva la lowtech
info: http://www.myspace.com/hificomando
11- DVA - Harom Kerom
info: http://www.freemusic.cz/dva/kapela_info.html
12- Hotel Easy - The Jet Setters (Aka Go Kart Meeting)
info: http://realmofx.blogspot.com/
Speciale playlist Myspace streaming
01- Gangpol und mit - Comment allons nous ce faire Permettez moi le vous expliquer
info: http://www.myspace.com/gangpolundmit
02- Vernon LeNoir - Ajvar
info: http://www.myspace.com/vernonlenoir
03- Messer Chups - Dark story
info: http://www.myspace.com/messerchups
04- Zom Zoms - Hyper Lenny
info: http://www.myspace.com/zomzoms
05- Kim & Buran - Dream about Gitarkin
info: http://www.myspace.com/kimandburan
06- ME - Smart Thinking
info: http://www.myspace.com/attentionstupidsyndrome
07- Les robots musique - Planet sixteen
info: http://www.myspace.com/lesrobotsmusique
08- Mike McGuire - Lalah Sune
info: http://www.myspace.com/mikemcguire
09- Madame Patate - Drive in
info: http://www.myspace.com/madamepatate
10- Mochipet - You know you Wanna...
info: http://www.myspace.com/mochipet
11- DEV/NULL - Rave7
info: http://www.myspace.com/devnull
12- Dan Deacon - Splish Splash
info: http://www.myspace.com/dandeacon
13- M-.-n - Ektbnag
info: http://www.myspace.com/discodirt
14- Sickboy - Preview2
info: http://www.myspace.com/milkplussickboy
15- Eddiemuerte - Under Mi Vocoder
info: http://www.myspace.com/eddiemuerte
16- Plamo - Suichoku douki
info: http://www.myspace.com/plamo
17- Player two - Rebel Smell
info: http://www.myspace.com/p1ayertwo
18- Jellica & Dr Dru - Microparty 180
info: http://www.myspace.com/jellicadrdru
19- The Bran Flakes - Top 40 Hit Single
info: http://www.myspace.com/thebranflakes
20- Walter Brennan - CottonPicker
info: http://www.myspace.com/walterbrennan
programma ottobre-2005 streaming
01-Gangpol und mit - Police vs Pharaon
info: http://gangpol.free.fr/
02-Al Duvall - The Blue Lotus
info: http://www.alduvall.com/
03-Drone - Good and Evil
info: http://www.popmaschee.de/index.php?drone
04-Paul Whiteman and His Orch. - Ode to a Bumble Bee's Bottom
info: http://vintagelounge.blogspot.com/2005/09/roots-of-raymond-scott-simulpost.html
05-David Lichtenberger & Thomas Herlth - Mission Lybia
info: http://www.tokyotrauma.com/
06-The Peanuts - Chakkiri Cha Cha
info: http://www.astroboy.tv/music/
07-Wildchurch - Jolly Contenders
info: http://wildchurch.com/
08- Singing Sadie - Let's Call Her Lil
info: http://www.dualplover.com/product/sadie/sadie.html
09-Gigaboy - Hiak Toyaz
info: http://www.comfortstand.com/catalog/062/index.html
10-Nancy Sit - I Love A Go Go
info: http://blog.wfmu.org/freeform/2005/09/canto_a_go_go.html
programma settembre-2005 streaming
01-[guÿôm] - F*********************
info: http://www.egotwister.com/
02-The Ventures - Slaughter on Tenth Avenue
info: http://leafandlime.hobix.com/archives/2005/07/the_ventures_1.html
03-Bob Moog - Two-part Invention in F
info: http://www.analogartsensemble.net/2005/08/rip-bob-moog.html
04-Mme.Riviere's Hawaiians (The Moes) - E mama ea
info: http://bigadventures123.com/AUDIO/MENU.htm
05-Bacalao - Fish & chips
info: http://www.bacalao.ch/
06-Harry Marshard - Palm Beach
info: http://www.hepcatwilly.com/index.php?id=810
07-Throcke - Springtime at Nyongbyon
info: http://www.throcke.com/
08- Peter Pringle - The Blue Lotus
info: http://www.peterpringle.com/
09-Rodion - La prova col Vocoder
info: http://www.radiodd.com/
10-Seksu Roba -velvet star
info: http://seksuroba.com/
programma luglio/agosto-2005 streaming
01-Esquivel - Sentimental Journey
info: http://www.poindexters.com/esq.html
02-Limb0 - Misery Legoland
info: http://www.myspace.com/limboo
03-Åke Sandin - Line 27
info: http://www.subliminalsounds.se/DOK/sandin2.html
04-Askeleton Outtakes - (Instrumental)
info: http://www.goodnightrecords.com/
05-The Ophir Prison Marching Kazoo Band - Louie Louie
info: http://www.ophirprison.com/
06-Music for people - Two for six ate
info: http://www.ammakasie.com/
07-Snakefinger - 8 1/4
info: http://www.rzweb.net/collab/snakefinger.html
08- Dy-Skilz - Spittbewijs
info: http://members.home.nl/52weeks/52.07.eng.html
09-Les Cristaux Liquidenth - Zubrov-Ska ! skeeter mix
info: http://www.lescristauxliquident.org/
10-Tom Hazelton and Gene Ciszek -Mr. Bach Meets Batman
info: http://www.basichip.com/
programma giugno-2005 streaming
01-Musica per bambini - Vita da morto
info: http://www.musicaperbambini.com/
02-Kaïza Sauce - Noote's babe
info: http://byteburger.free.fr/
03-Budapest Harmonica Trio - El Relicario
info: http://web.axelero.hu/nadori2/index.html
04-Eufaula Pook y Cedre es Normal - Jessie Jacques
info: http://www.oreille-equitable.org/
05-Alpendub - Jaga Ode
info: http://www.alpendub.de/alphome/alphome.html
06-Ammakasie Noka - Friend say
info: http://www.ammakasie.com/
07-Fred Lowery - The Moon of Manakoora
info: http://www.whistlingrecords.com/fred_lowery/fred_lowery.htm
08- Satanicpornocultshop - Zap Meemees
info: http://www.sonore.com/
09-Jerry Goldsmith - Welcome to Mayfield Pl.
info: http://score-blog.blogspot.com/
10-The Boss Hoss -Toxic
info: http://www.thebosshoss.com/
programma maggio-2005 streaming
01-The Big Daddy - Being For The Benefit of Mr. Kite
info: http://www.bigdaddyfan.com/
02-Aleksi Eeben - Mnambo
info: http://www.mono211.com/content/releases/mtkmp139.html
03-Vinnie Bell - Bye bye blues
info: http://www.vinniebell.com/
04-Giampiero Boneschi - The Solarium
info: http://www.space1999.net/
05-Dragibus - Domotor
info: http://www.dragibus.jp/
06-Bonefish Sam & His Power Orch. - Hoorah
info: http://www.bonefishsam.com/
07-Oswald d'Andrea - 11-23 (Heure XI)
info: http://spacedebris.blogspot.com/2005/05/oswald-dandrea_01.html
08- Mao Morta - Gin tonic (Stealing Orchestra Mix)
info: http://www.mao-morta.org/
09-Solomon & Socalled - Freylekhs far de Kale
info: http://www.piranha.de/records/english/artists/art_solom.htm
10-Shooby Taylor -Tico Tico
info: http://www.shooby.com/
programma aprile-2005 streaming
01-Renaldo & the Loaf - Leery Looks From Father's Books
info: http://www.tangento.net/renaldo.html
02-My robot friend - Problems
info: http://www.myrobotfriend.com/
03-George Cates - Ka-Lu-A
info: http://www.hukilau.org/songs/songs.htm
04-Eddiemuerte - Kiri No Tonbei
info: http://www.eddiemuerte.com
05-Dan & Dale - Scuba Swim
info: http://www.munk.org/aom/
06-Slumdwellaz - The Illapotamus Song
info: http://www.thumptruck.com/
07-The Tape-beatles - Is the night Blue
info: http://www.ubu.com/sound/pw/music_with_sound.html
08- Allan Block and Ralph Lee Smith - Polly Put the Kettle On
info: http://www.gojira.com/
09-Skkatter - Dirty pop
info: http://www.brainwashed.com/vvm/
10-Barnes & Barnes -Fish Heads
info: http://www.thedoctordementoshow.com/
programma marzo-2005
01-The Three Stooges - Alphabet Song
info: http://www.thedoctordementoshow.com/
02-Eat rabbit - Copier coller
info: http://www.eat-rabbit.com/
03-The Muse Surmounted - Tryphosa Bates-Batcheller
info: http://www.counterpoint-music.com/specialties/muse.html
04-Jim Avignon - 10pm
info: http://www.artzone.com/
05-Uncle Neptune - Little bluebird
info: http://www.uncleneptune.com
06-Jellica - Fooj
info: http://www.kittenrock.co.uk/
07-Punch & Judy - It's a Happy Day Today
info: http://cakeandpolka.blogspot.com/
08- Suture Sounds Agent - Misadventures of Johnny Stacko
info: http://www.suturesounds.com/mp3/agent/
09-The Peanuts - Quien Sera
info: http://www.astroboy.tv/music/
10-End -Patterns
info: http://www.worldwentdown.com/end/sounds.html
programma febbraio-2005
01-Emil Richards - Alive in Five
info: http://www.drop6.com/popno.htm
02-The Residents - Happy birthday to me
info: http://punio.blogspot.com/
03-Bernie Green - Kluifjeswals
info: http://www.splogman.com/log.html
04-Polysics - New Wave Jacket
info: http://www.polysics.com/en/
05-Optiganally Yours - Spanish Flea
info: http://www.optigan.com/oy.html
06-Dj Rainbow Ejaculation - All my friends are gay
info: http://www.systemcorrupt.com/artists.html
07-John Sangster - Gilltraps auto museum
info: http://www.bellybongo.com/
08- Kraut für Alle - Halv kapott
info: http://so-healthy-music.com/
09-Plus-Tech Squeeze Box - Rocket Coaster (Fab Cushion Remix)
info: http://stage.vitaminic.co.uk/plus_tech_squeeze_box
10-Claude Denjean -Moon River
info: http://www.vinylorphanage.com/talentshow.html
programma gennaio-2005
01-Stealing Orchestra - Overdose no WC da Feira Popular
info: http://www.stealingorchestra.com/
02-The Nourishment - He's A Bit
info: http://www.legalizefood.com/
03-Fay Lovsky & Bob Fosko - Kluifjeswals
info: http://www.splogman.com/log.html
04-Puyo Puyo - Blanche du bois
info: http://audio26.archive.org/3/audio/frec020/
05-Bob & Annetta - 50's Medley
info: http://www.vinylorphanage.com/talentshow.html
06-Wong Chi-Wa - Unknown
info: http://archive.wfmu.org:5555/archive/BL/?S=A
07-The Outriggers - Captivation
info: http://www.vegasvics.com/download.htm
08- Rod Droïd - Atomic Packer
info: http://roddroid.free.fr/
09-Comfort Stand Recordings (Jan Turkenburg, mr_melvis, Otis
Fodder & Suzanne Baumann) - Tidings of Comfort
info: http://www.comfortstand.com/catalog/050/index.html
10-Nystart -Flera ankor
info: http://www.facetterad.net/fleraankor/
programma dicembre-2004
01-Coconut Monkeyrocket - Thank You
info: http://www.coconutmonkeyrocket.com/mp3s.htm
02-Eat Rabbit - Big Toys
info: http://www.eat-rabbit.com/
03-Supremes - How Do You Do It
info: http://discosantigos.com/AlbumMonth.htm
04-Chenard Walcker - Dope Man
info: http://www.chenardwalcker.com/freesamplezone.htm
05-Donaugusto - Machines never die
info: http://www.donaugusto.com/
06-Dick Schory - Krazy Kwilt
info: http://www.echonyc.com/~lenkei/past.html
07-Alasdair Willis - A tropical paradise
info: http://www.alasdairwillis.com/
08- Ivy Three - Yogi
info: http://999.omadomain.fi/
09-Bitshifter - March Of The Nucleotides
info: http://www.bitshifter.cc/
10-Mort Garson -You Don't Have To Walk A Begon
info: http://www.whistlingrecords.com/basichip/click_n_play/album_a.htm
programma novembre-2004
01-Lanark - Happy Boccherini
info: http://www.comfortstand.com/catalog/048/index.html
02-Moonbuggy - Tropica
info: http://www.doxa.de/
03-Pheugoo - Smokey And The Yeah
info: http://musicformaniacs.blogspot.com/
04-Desert Planet - Return of the Ninja Droids
info: http://personal.inet.fi/taide/junttila/desert/index.htm
05-Zack Laurence - Lazy Summer
info: http://www.retrolicious.com/exl/delicado/
06-CNUT - dancing-dancing
info: http://www.erkrankung.net/html/mainindex.htm
07-Quack Quack Quack - Qua Qua Qua
info: http://www.unclekrinkly.com/incorrect/default.htm
08- Aavikko - Galaktus
info: http://www.aavikko.net/
09-Bob Peck - Sweet Sixteen
info: http://www.danacountryman.com/Classic/Album.html
10-Bummtschak -Maintenant Ma Vie S'Arrête
info: http://art.religion.terreur.online.fr/fr/DamoisPrecMP3.html
programma ottobre-2004
01-Ganpol und Mit - Le disque
info: http://www.bellybongo.com/links/sharity.html
02-Nelson Riddle - Freeway Fantasy
info: http://www.retrolicious.com/exl/spacedebris/
03-Secret Mommy - The drink
info: http://www.secretmommy.com/
04-Twink - Not Enough Crayons for Everyone
info: http://twink.net/
05-Dominguinhos - Choro pro miudinho
info: http://astroboy.tv/music/
06-Je m'appelle Mads - Alt det man drommer om
info: http://www.jemappellemads.dk
07-Sam Sklair - Meadowlands
info: http://discosantigos.com/AlbumMonth.htm
08- Yuri Lane - Brothers & sisters
info: http://www.yurilane.com/
09-Tom Dissvelt - Whirling
info: http://www.basta.nl/
10-McNally & Sullivan -Dear Mr. President
info: http://www.fjordstone.com/zongoftheweek/
programma settembre-2004
01-Les Cinq Pères - Le Marche Turque
info: http://www.bellybongo.com/links/sharity.html
02-Printed-circuit - dr grube vs thinking machine
info: http://www.printed-circuit.net/
03-Zygmunt Zgraja - Lot Trzmiela (Flight of the Bumble-Bee)
info: http://www.vinylorphanage.com/talentshow.html
04-Pastor McPurvis - The Oddio Overplay March
info: http://www.oddiooverplay.com/comp/index.html
05-Hot Butter - Song Of The Nairobi Trio
info: http://www.danacountryman.com/MoogMadness/Album.html
06-Budmelvin - 1+1=1+1
info: http://www.budmelvin.com/
07-Bell Sisters with Spike Jones - Socko the Smallest Snowball
info: http://www.bellsisters.com/
08- Jean's team - Ein Atom
info: http://www.jeansteam.de
09-Morris Minor & the Majors - Another Boring B-Side
info: http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/audiooddities/files/
10-Mule Driver - Piano Song
info: http://ak-duck.com/releases.htm
programma luglio/agosto-2004
01-Parry Gripp - Waffles Are Outrageous
info: http://www.parrygripp.com/
02-People Like Us - Cattle Call
info: http://www.ubu.com/sound/plu_abridged.html
03-YMCK - Does John Coltrane Dream of a Merry-go-round?
info: http://www.ymck.net/
04-Toecutter - Ode To Brendan Phelan
info: http://www.systemcorrupt.com/toecutter/index.html
05-Bobby Hammack - Powerhouse
info: http://www.basichip.com/
06-Lanark - Una base extraterrestre habría en Ganímedes
info: http://www.comfortstand.com/catalog/039/index.html
07-Leo De Lyon - Laura
info: http://www.danacountryman.com/
08- Rathergood - La La La Oo-hoo-hoo
info: http://www.rathergood.com/songs/
09-Alvin & the Chipmunks - Alvin's All Star Chipmunk Band
info: http://www.yourpaldoug.com/
10-Thelonious Moog - Bye ya
info: http://www.theloniousmoog.com/
programma giugno-2004
01-Oleg Kostrow - The letter F
info: http://www.vroom-sound.com/sound/VRCD3327.html
02-Kiiiiiii - The world according to carp
info: http://www.texte.co.jp/ki-music.html
03-Aurelio Fierro - Pulecenella Twist
info: http://www.vinylorphanage.com/talentshow.html
04-Puyo Puyo - Mashit!kickit!
info: http://puyopuyo.lautre.net
05-Kim & Buran - Birthday Party
info: http://www.comfortstand.com/catalog/510/index.html
06-Trismic - Super Mario Bros. theme (remix)
info: http://www.songstowearpantsto.com/index.php
07-The Moon A Tiks - Did You Ever See A Moon-A-Tik?
info: http://www.basichip.com/
08- Taiga - Artek
info: http://www.psytrance.spb.ru/music/taiga/
09-Dicky - L'italiano
info: http://dicky.web.free.fr/samusique.html
10-Mochipet - The adventrures of flamenco boy
info: http://www.mochipet.com
programma maggio-2004
01-Buchannan & Goodman - Touchables
info: http://www.sensoryresearch.com/snuggles/projects/mp3/B&G/
02-Vertical Cat - Work Shy Pt1
info: http://www.verticalcat.com/
03-Kerry Christensen - Chicken Yodel
info: http://www.masteryodeler.com/
04-Secret Mommy - Drop Shadow
info: http://www.secretmommy.com/
05-Uncle Neptune - The good in everything
info: http://www.uncleneptune.com/
06-Mikrowelle - Beat Party
info: http://www.mikrowellenreiter.de
07-777 - Yeah!
info: http://www.systemcorrupt.com/777/777.html
08- Georgia & August Greenberg - Itchy Itchy Hay Hay
info: http://www.comfortstand.com/catalog/010/index.html
09-Miki Mikron - Du Kommst Doch
info: http://www.mikimikron.de/
10-Tiny Tim -Strawberry Tea
info: http://www.tinytim.org
programma aprile-2004
01-Lucas & Friends - Deck The Halls
info: http://www.optigan.com/lucas.html
02-Jayrope - Kariesschutz
info: http://www.klangkrieg-produktionen.de/
03-Leonard Nimoy - Ballad Of Bilbo Baggins
info: http://www.farpointstation.org/sounds_misc.htm
04-Echokrank - Tempo
info: http://www.echokrank.net/
05-The Nutley Brass - Chicken Impossible
info: http://www.aprilwinchell.com/multimedia/
06-Chenard Walcker - Wizzz Pop
info: http://www.chenardwalcker.com/
07-The Terrytooners - Mighty Mouse
info: http://www.kiddierekordking.com/library.html
08- Messer Chups - Devil exit from fashion
info: http://www.comfortstand.com/catalog/501/index.html
09-Francois de Roubaix - ChapiChapo
info: http://www.francoisderoubaix.com/
10-Sheldon Allman -Big Brother
info: http://www.danacountryman.com/sheldon/allman/Album.html
programma marzo-2004
01-Tim Maloney - Bryl-kreem
info: http://www.freespeechforsale.com/
02-Bitshifter - Time Machine Go!
info: http://www.bitshifter.cc/
03-Yuzo Kayama - A small trip
info: http://www.retrolicious.com/exl/semsinatra/
04-Yvan & Lendl - C'est qui le plus fort? (mosselman)
info: http://www.yvanlendl.ch/
05-Spike Jones - Water Lou
info: http://www.spikejones.net/jones.html
06-Printed Circuit - Mobira
info: http://www.printed-circuit.net/
07-Twizzle - Barefoot Girl/Pebble Road
info: http://www.comfortstand.com/catalog/002/index.html
08- Itoken - Untitled#1
info: http://www.itoken-web.com/itoken/
09-Al Dexter and His Troopers - Pistol Packin Mama
info: http://medialibrary.loritsu.com/mp3s/
10-The Caretaker - Stardust
info: http://www.brainwashed.com/vvm/
programma febbraio-2004
01-Dan Deacon - My Name Is Robert
info: http://www.dandeacon.com/
02-Dolly Kay - I Want to See My Tennessee
info: http://www.swazoo.com/
03-FortyOne - Boppity Boo
info: http://www.comfortstand.com/catalog/007/index.html
04-Jerry Powell - Guantanamo
info: http://home.teleport.com/~jfitz/music/oddball.html
05-Mambo Kurt - I was made for lovin you
info: http://www.mambo-kurt.de/
06-Splogman - shit!
info: http://www.dse.nl/~mereldwijn/
07-Tim Maloney - This voice
info: http://www.nakedrabbit.com/
08-Eddie the Rat - There ain't no reason
info: http://www.eddietherat.com/
09-Bonefish Sam - Moo Gobble Oink Neigh
info: http://www.bonefishsam.com/
10-People Like Us (Negativland remix) - What's Music
info: http://www.epitonic.com/artists/peoplelikeus.html
programma gennaio-2004
01-Cigarbox Planetarium - Cadillac (Nino Rota)
info: http://www.cigarboxplanetarium.com/
02-Paul Mark - Tumbling Acorn
info: http://www.basichip.com/
03-mmfan316 - Rock'n Roll
info: http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/mmfan316/
04-Mormon Kids - I Want to Be a Mother
info: http://www.unclekrinkly.com/incorrect/default.htm
05-Le Modem - In The River Down By The Laituri
info: http://lemodem.dogma00.org/
06-Chenard Walcker - Javanaise Again
info: http://www.chenardwalcker.com/
07-Desert Planet - Joysticker
info: http://www.desertplanet.com/
08-Messer Chups - Miss Surf
info: http://www.staalplaat.com/search/catalog/12617
09-Harry Shearer - (If U Want Free Speech) Go To Russia
info: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/johnbook/
10-Jackie Davis - Then I'll Be Happy
info: http://www.milwaukeejohn.com/
programma dicembre-2003
01-Oleg Kostrow - Abschiedsliedchen
info: http://www.kostrow.com
02-Mittelschmerz - The girl from ipanema
info: http://www.dictionaraoke.org/
03-Felix Kubin - Original
info: http://www.stora.de/
04-Phyllis Barnard and Joey - This Little Light Of Mine
info: http://www.aprilwinchell.com/
05-Rank Sinatra - Donna You Wanna Me Baby ?
info: http://www.brainwashed.com/
06-Moylan Sisters - Huckleberry Finn
info: http://www.danacountryman.com/
07-Toecutter - Baby, Don't Call Me
info: http://www.systemcorrupt.com/difficultpleasure.html
08-The Apartment - Shiny
info: http://www.gondolamusic.com/
09-Anita Darian - Misirlou
info: http://www.bellybongo.com/
10-The Bran Flakes - Trash Can Fun
info: http://www.thebranflakes.com/
programma novembre-2003
01-Chenard Walcker - Cream Cheese
info: http://www.chenardwalcker.com/
02-Billy Mure - Blue Hawaii
info: http://www.milwaukeejohn.com/album.html/
03-PLU+Woobly - Tremble Peady
info: http://www.peoplelikeus.org/
04-Dennis Nardone - WVOX 1460am Jingle
info: http://www.sountrac.com/
05-Tipsy - Kitty's Daydream (Longhair mix)
info: http://www.comfortstand.com/
06-Chiemi Eri and The Tokyo Cuban Boys - Otemo Yan
info: http://www.bellybongo.com/
07-Matti Kallioinen - Leka
info: http://matti.forta.nu/
08-Petty Booka - Ukulele Lady
info: http://www.petty-booka.com/
09-Herschel Burke Gilbert - Tim's Song
info: http://www.basichip.com/
10-Basisschool De Marsweide - We will rock you
info: http://www.dse.nl/~mereldwijn/
programma ottobre-2003
01-The Amazing Pink Things - Pink Commercial
info: http://www.danacountryman.com/Pink/things.html
02-Gayla Peevey - I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas
info: http://www.kiddierekordking.com/
03-Quintron - Drum Buddy - Extended Scratch
info: http://www.drumbuddy.com/
04-The Blenders - Don't fuck around with love
info: http://www.geocities.com/theblenders1953/
05-Stereo Total - Megaflittchen
info: http://www.stereototal.de/
06-Mel Blanc - Somebody Stole My Gal
info: http://www.proaxis.com/~settlet/record/audio/audio.html
07-Harry Breuer & J.J.perrey - Re-entry to the moon
info: http://www.condsc.com/vinylproject/index.html
08-Schaffer the Darklord - The_Rhyme_of_Lord_Nord
info: http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/570/schaffer_the_darklord.html
09-Gordon Thomas - Skipper
info: http://sensoryresearch.com/~starkeff/mit.html
10-All About Life - Peace Peace
info: http://www.gordonthomas.com/
programma settembre-2003
01-Boone Bischoff - Happy Birthday To You
info: http://www.illegal-art.org/
02-Al Harrington - LivingTogether
info: http://home.teleport.com/~jfitz/music/oddball.html
03-Johnny Harris - Footprints On The Moon
info: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/johnbook/
04-Chenard Walcker - Miss Novara
info: http://www.chenardwalcker.com
05-Captain Punk You - Krispy Krishna
info: http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/621/captain_punk_you.html
06-Moylan sisters - Mississippi
info: http://www.danacountryman.com/moylan/sisters.htm
07-Snakefinger - The Man in the Dark Sedan
info: http://www.snakefinger.net/
08-De Jonge Flierefluiters - Zwoele zotte zomer
info: http://www.tomaatnet.nl/~splog/2003week25.html
09-Stark_Effect - Skipper
info: http://sensoryresearch.com/~starkeff/mit.html
10-All About Life - Rocky On The Rocks
info: http://home.teleport.com/~jfitz/music/oddball.html
programma luglio/agosto-2003
01-The Spacemen - Kappore
info: http://www.showandtellmusic.com/
02-Wobbly - Clawing Your Eyes Out Down to Your Throat
info: http://www.illegal-art.org/
03-Montmarquette - Alfred, 1871-1944
info: http://www2.nlc-bnc.ca/gramophone/
04-L.C. Bee - Kids march
info: http://www.lcb.state.pa.us/edu/youth/elementary/Index.asp
05-Leona Anderson - Il bacio
info: http://www.basichip.com/
06-Thelonious Moog - we see
info: http://www.theloniousmoog.com/
07-Bobby Badfingers - Badfingers and the Boston Pops
info: http://www.badfingers.com/
08-The Solitaires - I Don't Stand A Ghost Of A Chance
info: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/johnbook/files/
09-Bob Thompson - Early-bird whirly-bird
info: http://www.bobthompsonmusic.com/
10-Stark Effect - Tennis Ball
info: http://sensoryresearch.com/~starkeff/
programma giugno-2003
01-Glenda - Playboy magazine
info: http://www.sharpeworld.com/
02-Virginia Belmont - Bamb
info: http://www.showandtellmusic.com/
03-The Reporters - Impossible princess
info: http://digilander.libero.it/rotoraudio/tourists01.htm
04-Wild man Fisher - Josephine
info: http://www.geocities.com/bradleybee/fisher.html
05-Mary Schneider - Classic overtures
info: http://www.counterpoint-music.com/specialties/yodelling.html
06-Scrabbel - Pillowmint
info: http://www.kittnet.com/kittridge/menu.html
07-Corporal Blossom - White Christmas
info: http://www.illegal-art.org/
08-Octothorpe - Red Robot
info: http://www.aaronondek.com/octothorpe/index.html
09-The Consumer Cd - track 36
info: http://ubuibi.org/consumer.html
10-Eilert Pilarm - Love me tender
info: http://www.algonet.se/~pergunne/eilert.html
programma maggio-2003
01-Troy Hess - Please Don't Go Topless, Mother
info: http://www.cryptrecords.com/
02-Negativland - Clowns and Ballerinas
info: http://evolution-control.com/
03-Geeks 16mm School Soundtracks - Acid - The Story Of L.S.D.
info: http://www.sharpeworld.com/
04-The Sunrays - Our Leader
info: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mixingtapes/files/
05-Los Angeles Negros - El Rey Y Yo
info: http://www.geocities.com/paco_c_m/
06-Ugolino - Ma che bella giornata
info: http://www.bottomfioc.net/
07-Stark effect - Bunnyrabbits, Satan, Cheese and milk
info: http://sensoryresearch.com/~starkeff/
08-Larry's Lovenotes - Depth In God
info: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/larrys_lovenotes/files/
09-Crut - Samba De Goodwill
info: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/johnbook/files/
10-Baby Lu-Lu - Intro and Jesus Loves Me
info: http://www.showandtellmusic.com/
programma aprile-2003
01-The Bran Flakes - Riddle
info: http://www.thebranflakes.com/
02-Patience and Prudence - Tonight You Belong to Me
info: http://www.basichip.com/patience_and_prudence/pp000.htm
03-William Harris - Bullfrog Blues
info: http://www.nugrape.net/
04-Kumquat from droplift project - Everyone is Afraid of Clowns
info: http://www.droplift.org/
05-Daddy-O - Matilda
info: http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/119/daddy-o.html
06-The Spiders-Tokyo Drifter - The Scrap Yard (Theme Reprise)
info: http://sweetbottom.tripod.com/branded_music.htm
07-Cyrus Sullivan - Sex worker
info: http://sensoryresearch.com/~starkeff/
08-Herman Broekhuizen - Thank you very much
info: http://www.tomaatnet.nl/%7Esplog/Teenage%20choir.html
09-Paul Tremaine & His Orch. - Four-Four Rhythm
info: http://www.2multiples.com/hotdance/index.htm
10-Singing Science Records -E-lec-tri-city
info: http://www.acme.com/jef/science_songs/
programma marzo-2003
01-Bob Thompson - Starfire
info: http://www.bobthompsonmusic.com/
02-John North Wright - Teenage Volleyballers
info: http://www.angelfire.com/music2/stolenmarty/
03-Little Marcy - God Is At Work Within You
info: http://www.sharpeworld.com/marcy/pages/index.html
04-Guido Deiro - Valse pirouette
info: http://guidodeiro.com/
05-Mambo Kurt - Engel
info: http://www.mambo-kurt.de/
06-Ted Goon (Mr. Goon-Bones) - That's The One For Me
info: http://www.whistlingrecords.com/brother_bones/brother_bones.htm
07-The Four Skins - Her Vagina
info: http://www.danacountryman.com/coolandstrange/comp.html
08-Shooby Tayor- Lift Every Voice and Sing
info: http://www.shooby.com/
09-from April Winchell - Yellow submarine
info: http://www.aprilwinchell.com/
10-Brute Force -Tape Worm Of Love
info: http://www.brutesforce.com/
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